
Kasneb has contracted Millenium Management Consultants Limited to carry out a customer satisfaction, experience and brand awareness survey. The purpose of this survey is to establish the level of customer satisfaction and brand awareness among interested stakeholders and also identify ways of improving service delivery. We request you to fill all sections of this questionnaire and return it to the MMCAFRICA Officer who will be available for any assistance. Do not indicate your name. Your responses will be treated confidentially.


Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about kasneb on a five-point Likert scale (1-5). (1-strong disagreement, 5-strong agreement)

StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) kasneb qualifications are relevant and aligned to current labour market needs
b) kasneb qualifications are well recognized in the labour market
c) Certificates are released on time to those who have completed the course requirements
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) kasneb provides appropriate advice and guidance on its qualifications
b) kasneb qualifications are credible
c) kasneb qualifications are internationally recognized
d) kasneb sensitizes stakeholders/employers on their qualifications
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) kasneb syllabuses are globally competitiveemployee
b) kasneb takes into account current world dynamics
c) Curricula research, development and review process involves inputs from key stakeholders to ensure it meets market demands
d) kasneb syllabuses are in line with market requirements
e) Changes are communicated in timely manner
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) Examinations development and processing demonstrates high level of integrity
b) Examination results are released on time and accessible through the student portal
c) kasneb examinations are aligned to the syllabus requirements
d) Examination fees are affordable
e) Accredited kasneb institutions/centres provide conducive academic environment
f) Accredited kasneb institutions/centres are accessible to the students
g) kasneb training materials are reliable and easy to understand
h) kasneb fees structure is easily accessible and payment systems have been well integrated with financial service providers
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) There is timely and efficient delivery of services from kasneb
b) The services I received were communicated in a clear and informative manner.
c) kasneb embraces modern technology in its operations
d) It takes time to obtain needed services when you visit kasneb offices
e) Overall, I am satisfied with the way the service/product was provided by the kasneb staff
f) kasneb staff offer services to customers freely and without favouritism
g) Customer needs are well determined and understood by the staff
h) kasneb staff members are courteous and treat customers professionally
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) kasneb has an established complaint handling mechanism I need to do my job.
b) kasneb has clearly communicated the complaint handling process
c) There is a way one can anonymously report a complaint at kasneb
d) Customer complaints are addressed within reasonable time as promised in the Board’s citizen’s service delivery charter.
e) kasneb acknowledges the receipt of complaints and informs the customer on what is being done about it.
f) Customers are informed of other complaints redress channels should they not be satisfied with the response given.
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) I am aware of various available communication channels (Email, telephone, mail, social media, kasneb website, SMS alerts, etc.)
b) Reaching kasneb through its various communication channels is easy
c) kasneb provides information that is important in my decision making
d) kasneb responds promptly to inquiries
e) Communication on events is shared in good time
f) kasneb dissemination events (workshops, seminars, conferences) allow for exchange of ideas, sharing of knowledge and networking
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) kasneb publications provide me with balanced information and are available
b) Kasneb is easily accessed by people with disabilities
c) My salary is paid regularly on time
d) I can easily access the information I need about kasneb from their website
e) kasneb e-library service is reliable and provides enough information e.g. past papers, books etc
f) kasneb accredited institutions provide all the resources I need with ease
g) The key messages in kasneb publications are clear and well presented
h) Service points are conveniently / strategically located
i) kasneb desks at Huduma Centres are manned and offer satisfactory services
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) kasneb clearly states the terms of engagement in its contractual process
b) The contractual process demonstrates transparency, accountability and integrity
c) As a Service Provider, I understand the KASNEB rules and procedures relevant to the assigned roles.
d) kasneb clearly communicates its intentions to the Service Providers during the contract preparation stage
e) Feedback from Service Providers is acknowledged
f) Payment for goods/services procured/offered is made as per the agreed contractual engagement


2. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about kasneb, on a five point Likert scale (1-5).

StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
1. I am aware of and can easily identify kasneb brand
2. I am proud to be associated with kasneb
3. I am aware of kasneb products
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
1. kasneb staff responds to my concerns adequately
2. There is professionalism in the services rendered at kasneb
3. kasneb understands its customer needs
4. kasneb treats customers with courtesy
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
1. I get relevant information updates from kasneb
2. Reaching kasneb through telephone lines is easy
3. kasneb responds promptly to email inquiries
4. I can get sufficient information about kasneb from their website
5. kasneb management are easily accessible
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
1. kasneb products and services are relevant and marketable
2. kasneb products and services are of high quality and invaluable
3. kasneb products and services are reliable
4. kasneb products and services meet my needs as a stakeholder
a. Develops syllabuses,.
b. Conducts examinations and certification of candidates
c. Accredits relevant training institutions
d. Promotes its qualifications nationally, regionally and internationally


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