a) Kenya Law publications are relevant and of quality a) Kenya Law publications are relevant and of quality StronglyDisagree(1) a) Kenya Law publications are relevant and of quality Disagree(2) a) Kenya Law publications are relevant and of quality Neutral(3) a) Kenya Law publications are relevant and of quality Agree(4) a) Kenya Law publications are relevant and of quality Strongly Agree(5) b) Kenya Law publications are affordable b) Kenya Law publications are affordable StronglyDisagree(1) b) Kenya Law publications are affordable Disagree(2) b) Kenya Law publications are affordable Neutral(3) b) Kenya Law publications are affordable Agree(4) b) Kenya Law publications are affordable Strongly Agree(5) c) Kenya Law provides information that is timely and up to date c) Kenya Law provides information that is timely and up to date StronglyDisagree(1) c) Kenya Law provides information that is timely and up to date Disagree(2) c) Kenya Law provides information that is timely and up to date Neutral(3) c) Kenya Law provides information that is timely and up to date Agree(4) c) Kenya Law provides information that is timely and up to date Strongly Agree(5) d) Kenya Law website is easy to navigate d) Kenya Law website is easy to navigate StronglyDisagree(1) d) Kenya Law website is easy to navigate Disagree(2) d) Kenya Law website is easy to navigate Neutral(3) d) Kenya Law website is easy to navigate Agree(4) d) Kenya Law website is easy to navigate Strongly Agree(5) e) Kenya Law online services are easy to access and use e) Kenya Law online services are easy to access and use StronglyDisagree(1) e) Kenya Law online services are easy to access and use Disagree(2) e) Kenya Law online services are easy to access and use Neutral(3) e) Kenya Law online services are easy to access and use Agree(4) e) Kenya Law online services are easy to access and use Strongly Agree(5) f) I can access all information I need online f) I can access all information I need online StronglyDisagree(1) f) I can access all information I need online Disagree(2) f) I can access all information I need online Neutral(3) f) I can access all information I need online Agree(4) f) I can access all information I need online Strongly Agree(5) g) Kenya Law publications consider persons with disabilities g) Kenya Law publications consider persons with disabilities StronglyDisagree(1) g) Kenya Law publications consider persons with disabilities Disagree(2) g) Kenya Law publications consider persons with disabilities Neutral(3) g) Kenya Law publications consider persons with disabilities Agree(4) g) Kenya Law publications consider persons with disabilities Strongly Agree(5) h) Kenya Law payment for services is easy and transparent h) Kenya Law payment for services is easy and transparent StronglyDisagree(1) h) Kenya Law payment for services is easy and transparent Disagree(2) h) Kenya Law payment for services is easy and transparent Neutral(3) h) Kenya Law payment for services is easy and transparent Agree(4) h) Kenya Law payment for services is easy and transparent Strongly Agree(5) i) Changes in Kenya Law affective stakeholders are communicated in a timely manner i) Changes in Kenya Law affective stakeholders are communicated in a timely manner StronglyDisagree(1) i) Changes in Kenya Law affective stakeholders are communicated in a timely manner Disagree(2) i) Changes in Kenya Law affective stakeholders are communicated in a timely manner Neutral(3) i) Changes in Kenya Law affective stakeholders are communicated in a timely manner Agree(4) i) Changes in Kenya Law affective stakeholders are communicated in a timely manner Strongly Agree(5) j) Kenya Law provides appropriate advice and guidance j) Kenya Law provides appropriate advice and guidance StronglyDisagree(1) j) Kenya Law provides appropriate advice and guidance Disagree(2) j) Kenya Law provides appropriate advice and guidance Neutral(3) j) Kenya Law provides appropriate advice and guidance Agree(4) j) Kenya Law provides appropriate advice and guidance Strongly Agree(5) k) Information provided by Kenya Law is useful, reliable and easy to understand k) Information provided by Kenya Law is useful, reliable and easy to understand StronglyDisagree(1) k) Information provided by Kenya Law is useful, reliable and easy to understand Disagree(2) k) Information provided by Kenya Law is useful, reliable and easy to understand Neutral(3) k) Information provided by Kenya Law is useful, reliable and easy to understand Agree(4) k) Information provided by Kenya Law is useful, reliable and easy to understand Strongly Agree(5)