
National Council for Law Reporting (Kenya Law) has contracted Millenium Management Consultants Limited (MMCL) to undertake a customer satisfaction survey with the aim of improving its service delivery, increasing customer satisfaction levels and ultimately improving its corporate image. The purpose of this survey is to establish customer satisfaction levels among the its stakeholders and also identify ways of improving service delivery. We are therefore requesting you to fill all sections of this questionnaire and return it to the MMCL Officer who will be available for any assistance. Do not indicate your name.


Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about Kenya Law on a five-point Likert scale (1-5). (1-strong disagreement, 5-strong agreement)

StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) I am aware of and can easily identify the Kenya Law brand
b) I am proud to be associated with Kenya Law
c) I am aware of Kenya Law products
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) Kenya Law publications are relevant and of quality
b) Kenya Law publications are affordable
c) Kenya Law provides information that is timely and up to date
d) Kenya Law website is easy to navigate
e) Kenya Law online services are easy to access and use
f) I can access all information I need online
g) Kenya Law publications consider persons with disabilities
h) Kenya Law payment for services is easy and transparent
i) Changes in Kenya Law affective stakeholders are communicated in a timely manner
j) Kenya Law provides appropriate advice and guidance
k) Information provided by Kenya Law is useful, reliable and easy to understand
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) There is timely and efficient delivery of services from Kenya Law
b) The services I received were communicated in a clear and informative manner
c) Kenya Law embraces modern technology in its operations
d) It takes reasonable time to obtain needed services when you visit Kenya Law offices
e) Overall, I am satisfied with the way the service/product was provided by the Kenya Law staff
f) Customer needs are well understood by the staff
g) Kenya Law staff members are courteous and treat customers professionally
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) Kenya Law has an established complaint handling mechanisms
b) Kenya Law has clearly communicated the complaint handling process
c) There is a way one can anonymously report a complaint at Kenya Law
d) Customer complaints are addressed within a reasonable time as promised in the Kenya Law citizen’s service delivery charter
e) Kenya Law acknowledges the receipt of complaints and informs the customer on what is being done about it.
f) Customers are informed of other complaints redress channels should he/she not be satisfied with the response given.
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) I am aware of various available communication channels (Email, telephone, mail, social media, Kenya Law website, SMS alerts, etc.)
b) Reaching Kenya Law through its various communication channels is easy
c) Kenya Law provides information that is important in my decision making
d) Kenya Law responds promptly to inquiries
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) Kenya Law publications provide me with balanced information and are available
b) Kenya Law offices are easily accessed by persons with disabilities
c) I can easily access information I need about Kenya Law from their website
d) Kenya Law database is reliable and provides adequate information
e) The key messages in Kenya Law publications are clear and well presented
f) Service points are conveniently / strategically located
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) Kenya Law clearly states the terms of engagement in its procurement process
b) The procurement process exudes transparency, accountability and integrity
c) As a supplier, I understand the procurement procedures and my role in the procurement process
d) Kenya Law clearly communicates its intentions to the suppliers during the contract preparation stage
e) Advice and challenges from suppliers are acknowledged
f) Payment for goods/services procured is made as per the agreed contract
g) Kenya Law reserves 30% of their procurement for the special groups

18. Kenya Law offers various products and services to its customers. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the products and/or services you have accessed/used from Kenya Law .

StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) Case Law database
b) Newsletter
c) Cause list
d) Laws of Kenya
e) Kenya Law Case Digests
f) The Bench Bulletin (FREE publication)
g) The Kenya Law Reports
h) The Laws of Kenya Compendiums
i) Kenya Law Review Journal.
j) Technical support in the development of legal publications (Digital and hard copy)
Kenya Law monitors and reports on the development of Kenya’s jurisprudence through the publication of the Kenya Law Reports.
Revision, consolidation and publishing of the Laws of Kenya.
Undertake such other related publications and perform such other functions as may be conferred by law.


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