1. The time allocation per subject was adequate 1. The time allocation per subject was adequate StronglyDisagree(1) 1. The time allocation per subject was adequate Disagree(2) 1. The time allocation per subject was adequate Neutral(3) 1. The time allocation per subject was adequate Agree(4) 1. The time allocation per subject was adequate Strongly Agree(5) 2. The content covered was relevant to my job 2. The content covered was relevant to my job StronglyDisagree(1) 2. The content covered was relevant to my job Disagree(2) 2. The content covered was relevant to my job Neutral(3) 2. The content covered was relevant to my job Agree(4) 2. The content covered was relevant to my job Strongly Agree(5) 3. The hand out issued covered all subject areas 3. The hand out issued covered all subject areas StronglyDisagree(1) 3. The hand out issued covered all subject areas Disagree(2) 3. The hand out issued covered all subject areas Neutral(3) 3. The hand out issued covered all subject areas Agree(4) 3. The hand out issued covered all subject areas Strongly Agree(5) 4. The handout was clear and presentable 4. The handout was clear and presentable StronglyDisagree(1) 4. The handout was clear and presentable Disagree(2) 4. The handout was clear and presentable Neutral(3) 4. The handout was clear and presentable Agree(4) 4. The handout was clear and presentable Strongly Agree(5) 5. The course objectives were adequately addressed 5. The course objectives were adequately addressed StronglyDisagree(1) 5. The course objectives were adequately addressed Disagree(2) 5. The course objectives were adequately addressed Neutral(3) 5. The course objectives were adequately addressed Agree(4) 5. The course objectives were adequately addressed Strongly Agree(5) 6. The use of audio-visuals was adequate for this course 6. The use of audio-visuals was adequate for this course StronglyDisagree(1) 6. The use of audio-visuals was adequate for this course Disagree(2) 6. The use of audio-visuals was adequate for this course Neutral(3) 6. The use of audio-visuals was adequate for this course Agree(4) 6. The use of audio-visuals was adequate for this course Strongly Agree(5) 7. The exercises and role plays were relevant to this course 7. The exercises and role plays were relevant to this course StronglyDisagree(1) 7. The exercises and role plays were relevant to this course Disagree(2) 7. The exercises and role plays were relevant to this course Neutral(3) 7. The exercises and role plays were relevant to this course Agree(4) 7. The exercises and role plays were relevant to this course Strongly Agree(5) 8. The simulations and practice were adequate to this course 8. The simulations and practice were adequate to this course StronglyDisagree(1) 8. The simulations and practice were adequate to this course Disagree(2) 8. The simulations and practice were adequate to this course Neutral(3) 8. The simulations and practice were adequate to this course Agree(4) 8. The simulations and practice were adequate to this course Strongly Agree(5) 9. The time for the whole course was adequate 9. The time for the whole course was adequate StronglyDisagree(1) 9. The time for the whole course was adequate Disagree(2) 9. The time for the whole course was adequate Neutral(3) 9. The time for the whole course was adequate Agree(4) 9. The time for the whole course was adequate Strongly Agree(5)