Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about PSASB, on a five point scale (1-5- where 1 denotes strong disagreement and 5 denotes strong agreement)

StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) I understand the mandate of PSASB
b) I am conversant with PSASB Vision, Mission and Core values
c) I am aware of PSASB Strategic Plan
d) PSASB contributes to the achievement of national development goals
e) I am satisfied that PSASB has committed itself to comply with the terms stipulated in its Service Charter
f) PSASB is an organization of good public standing and does not entertain cases of corruption
g) I am satisfied that PSASB offers excellent services to its customers
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) PSASB management recognizes and makes use of its employee’s abilities and skills
b) PSASB management is sensitive to employees concerns
c) Planning PSASB activities is scheduled and organized
d) Top management communicates to us frequently
e) My supervisor leads by example
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) I am satisfied in my work as PSASB employee
b) I would prefer to stay with PSASB, even if offered a similar job elsewhere.
c) I am proud to tell people that I work for PSASB
d) I would recommend PSASB as a great place to work.
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) My job is a good fit with my skills and interests.
b) Innovation is valued at my work.
c) I have opportunities for career growth within PSASB
d) I know how my work contributes to the achievement of my department/ PSASB’s goals
e) The work that I do gives me a sense of accomplishment
f) My job is challenging in a good way.
g) I am inspired to give my very best.
h) Overall, I am satisfied with my job.
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) I like to socialize with my co-workers in the workplace.
b) My co-workers are good communicators.
c) My co-workers treat me with respect.
d) My co-workers and I work well as a team.
e) My immediate supervisor treats me with respect.
f) I receive meaningful recognition for work well done.
g) My immediate supervisor seems to care about me as a person.
h) I can disagree with my immediate supervisor on work-related issues without fear of reprisal.
i) My immediate supervisor gives me useful feedback on my job performance.
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) I get the training and development I need to do my job.
b) I have a role in supporting my work related learning and development needs
c) My department supports my work-related learning and development.
d) I am satisfied with the learning and development opportunities available at work.
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) I am satisfied with the types of information PSASB communicates to staff.
b) I am satisfied with the amount of information PSASB communicates to staff.
c) Essential information flows effectively from senior leadership to staff.
d) I am satisfied with the way my department communicates with staff.
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) My compensation/benefits are fair and commensurate to my skillsets
b) My salary commensurate with my responsibility
c) My salary is paid regularly on time
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) PSASB gives enough recognition for work that is well done
b) Individual initiative is encouraged in PSASB
c) Performance appraisals are regular and focused on personal development
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) Office space is adequate at PSASB
b) Furniture in my work station is comfortable
c) Offices at PSASB have adequate furniture and equipment to enable employees to perform their duties effectively
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) My office is well ventilated and well lit
b) I have not experienced any work-related illnesses during my work at PSASB
c) PSASB follows accredited sanitation & hygiene standards
d) Facilities in the washrooms are functional
e) Washroom utilities like soap, hand napkins, drier etc., are available and/or works in PSASB washrooms’
f) PSASB maintains adequate supply of potable water in its offices
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) I am aware of the risks and hazards in my work environment.
b) I am aware of my role and responsibility for protecting my personal health and safety in the workplace.
c) I know how what to do in the event of a fire emergency
d) My department seems committed to ensuring my health and well-being
e) Emergency exits are well marked
f) PSASB provides adequate safety training
g) Security gadgets (e.g. alarm, CCTV cameras etc.) are operational
h) I am provided with personal protective equipment whenever I need one
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) I am satisfied with the number of hours I work
b) My workload is reasonable
c) My work does not interfere with my time for family and friends.
d) I have support at work to balance my work and personal life
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) It is easy for people with special needs to access points of service
b) People with special needs get quick assistance at PSASB when in need
c) Washrooms can be used by people with special needs easily
d) I have been adequately sensitized by PSASB on handling people with special needs
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) I am provided with the necessary working materials/tools for my work
b) PSASB has consideration for current technology to improve internal operating efficiency
c) I have no difficulty in using office equipment
StronglyDisagree(1)Disagree(2)Neutral(3)Agree(4)Strongly Agree(5)
a) PSASB makes transport for official duties available on request
b) The channel for requesting transport at PSASB is clear
c) Transport is made available with ease for any employee’ social/welfare requests made on time
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